Q&As About Ghostwriting, the Process & My Services
What is the step-by-step process of ghostwriting a book?
Click here to read an overview of how this process typically works.
What’s the difference between an editor and a ghostwriter?
Different editors perform different tasks. Some editors focus exclusively on structure and content, while others polish a work sentence by sentence.
A certified ghostwriter can identify and fix structure problems, eliminate writing flaws, and line edit your manuscript.
If you want one writing professional to handle all your editing needs, hire a ghostwriter!
What’s a certified ghostwriter?
Anyone can call themselves a ghostwriter—and many freelance writers who don’t have book-industry expertise do. But a certified ghostwriter has worked with book industry professionals in a master’s-level program, so you know they’re qualified to help you.
Certified ghostwriters know how to:
Determine market positioning upfront, so your book has its best chance of selling
Highlight and emphasize the strengths in your intellectual property
Uncover and remedy the hidden deal breakers that make your manuscript an “easy reject”
Maintain your voice, style, intent, and perspective throughout all rewrites and edits
Line edit to maximize your book’s punch, drive, and reading pleasure
Guide you through today’s publishing-options maze to the best route for your particular title
When you work with a certified ghostwriter, you know you’re working with a book expert.
How long does it take to complete a book project?
That depends on the type and scope of the project, the author’s availability to provide interviews and feedback, as well as other variables. A general estimate is somewhere between 6-12 months.
How long does it take to complete a book proposal or bestselling marketing plan?
When these projects are not part of a ghostwriting package, they take about 3 months. If I’ve already written your book, I have a head start, so it only takes a month.
What investment should I plan to make?
Ghostwriting generally starts at $35,000. Since book projects are vastly different, I determine the project fee after I read your existing material.
Pricing for my other services are as follows:
Analysis & Recommendations - $1500
Author Coaching - $150 Per Session
Book Proposal - $15,000
Bestseller Marketing Plans - $15,000
How do I pay for your services?
You pay by credit card in regular monthly installments. I start work on your project after you make the first payment.
For book proposals and bestseller marketing plans, I charge your card $5,000/month for 3 months.
For book projects, I charge your card $5,000/month until the agreed-upon project fee has been paid.
For an Analysis and Recommendations, I charge the full $1500 payment upfront.
For coaching sessions, I can either charge by the session or monthly.
Will you help me figure out if I should find a publisher or self-publish?
Yes! I’ll help you understand the pros and cons of each pathway to print.
Do you guide authors through the self-publishing process?
I’m a writer, so I don’t handle layout or formatting your document with illustrations, charts, or photographs. I also don’t assist with cover design/selection or ISBN registration, etc. But I can recommend people who can help you with these tasks!